The Globe Academy


NorthStar Education Partners collaborated with The GLOBE Academy to enhance both operations and academic performance by focusing on the growth and development of school-based operations staff and improving instructional culture. This partnership involved designing and implementing comprehensive frameworks and toolkits to support excellence in school operations and teaching.


The GLOBE Academy partnered with NorthStar to:

  1. Define Operations Excellence: Create a common definition of excellence for operations leaders, synthesizing national best practices with GLOBE’s existing practices.
  2. Develop Support Tools for Operations Staff: Design tools for goal setting, planning, development, and evaluation cycles to support the growth of operations staff.
  3. Enhance Instructional Culture: Develop and implement a comprehensive Talent Framework and shared definition of teaching excellence.
  4. Design a Teacher Coaching Model: Create a comprehensive teacher coaching model, including templates, a coaching platform, and protocols for analyzing and responding to coaching trends.
  5. Align Performance Management: Establish a performance management cycle focused on teacher growth and development.


The Globe Academy
Location: DeKalb County, Georgia

Enrollment & Schools

Approximately 1,036 students across grades K-8

Mission Statement

The GLOBE Academy fosters Global Learning Opportunities through Balanced Education for children of all backgrounds. With a focus on dual-language immersion, an experiential-learning model, and a constructivist approach, GLOBE inspires students to be high-performing lifelong learners equipped to make a positive impact in the world.

Key Activities & Deliverables

Operations Excellence

  • Defining Excellence: Created a common definition of excellence for operations leaders by synthesizing national best practices and GLOBE’s existing practices.
  • Performance Management Toolkit: Developed a toolkit including guiding principles, an operations excellence rubric, development arcs, coaching videos, and templates for development plans, skip-level meetings, and implementation plans.
  • Support Tools: Designed a suite of aligned tools for goal setting, quarterly planning, development, and evaluation cycles to support the growth of operations staff towards the common definition of excellence.

Instructional Culture and Teacher Coaching

  • Talent Framework: Developed and implemented a comprehensive Talent Framework.
  • Teaching Excellence: Created a shared definition of teaching excellence and aligned existing talent practices to the new Teaching Excellence Rubric.
  • Coaching Model: Designed a comprehensive teacher coaching model, including coaching templates, a coaching platform (Whetstone), and protocols for school teams to analyze and respond to coaching trends.
  • Instructional Coaching Pilot: Launched an instructional coaching pilot with customized technology and a kickoff professional development session. Implemented processes for gathering feedback on the pilot in preparation for scaling.
  • Training and Feedback: Captured video for training principals and other school leaders in the use of the Teaching Excellence Rubric and implemented feedback mechanisms.


NorthStar and The GLOBE Academy successfully developed and launched a multi-year, board-approved strategic plan encompassing academics, people, finance, and operations. This plan guides all initiatives at GLOBE and has led to:

  • Improved Academic Outcomes: Enhanced instructional practices have resulted in better academic performance.
  • Teacher Development: Comprehensive frameworks and coaching models have fostered significant professional growth among teachers.
  • Teacher Retention: Focused efforts on teacher support and development have increased teacher retention rates.
  • Enhanced Campus Operations: Streamlined processes and development plans have improved the overall efficiency and effectiveness of school operations.

Read more case studies and learn how NorthStar Education Partners is transforming education through strategic partnerships and innovative approaches.

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